Michael Ziff
“You opened the doors to Chambar and instantly felt its energy,” he says with fervid passion, “The staff was pumped, the food was bold, and no one had seen anything like it.”
“You opened the doors to Chambar and instantly felt its energy,” he says with fervid passion, “The staff was pumped, the food was bold, and no one had seen anything like it.”
Joy, and fresh days of love, accompany your hearts. - William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream
The legacy of educating and empowering children through food, “We’re getting the next generation excited about food. The kids who attended our classes are now cooking dishes they learned here in their college dorms… Such a goosebump feeling.”
In his blue gardens, men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings, and the champagne, and the stars. - The Great Gatsby
Selva [sel-vuh] - Dense South American rainforest