A Trick of the Light

A Trick of the Light

A Trick of the Light alludes to the illusory nature of milk-clarified cocktails, which while looking clean and clear can contain a complex array of flavours, tied together harmoniously. A cocktail method that dates back to at least the early 16th century, our newest rendition showcases the floral flavours of Pisco, highlighted with the rich vanilla tones of Liquor 43 and the herbal kick of Strega.

Served over a crystal clear ice cube in a glass rimmed with toasted coconut, Black Sea salt and lime zest, this cocktail walks the line of silky, tart, tropical and herbal

Recipe (makes enough for 10-12 cocktails)

750 ml El Gobernador Pisco
125 ml Licor 43
125 ml Strega
750 ml steeped Sencha green tea
400 ml fresh lemon juice
200 ml simple syrup (1:1)
500 ml warm milk

Combine all ingredients in a large container, adding the milk last. The milk will curdle immediately.

Let sit for at least 3 hours in the fridge, ideally overnight

Strain slowly through cheesecloth or a bubble bag, allowing it to drip through at its own pace


Serve in a glass half rimmed with toasted coconut, Black Sea salt and lime zest